Wednesday, November 23, 2011

NYC Update 2

Yes, I'm updating on D's phone again. We're in TGI Friday's right now, and I smell like 'Warm Cotton.'. We took the subway and my dad got a Mighty Wallet. Man, I'm HUNGRY. Oh, and we're going to the Evolution store too! That's in SoHo, which I'm not sure what that stands for, but...anyway, bye!
Oh, I almost forgot, a question: What's your favorite ice cream.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!! Are you going to see the Macy's parade? :) I think SoHo stand for South of Houston (Street). And my favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip... why?

  2. I felt like asking. XD Anyway, yes we did see the parade. Well, actually, we were walking down the streeet and caught a glimpse of it.

  3. Hey Avi-

    This is Ver. You are soooooooo lucky you got to see a glimpse of the Macy's Parade! Mines Mint Chocolate Chip. Have fun! :)

  4. I like chocolate ice cream. Yummmmmmm!!!
